Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Roll 4 Photo Wall Paper

+10 points for the person whose photo gets chosen for the wall paper!  Post your links here or email it to me: alice.araneda@mvla.net

Has Photography Changed History?

We all know the saying that a "picture is worth a thousand words."  Reflecting on what we know about past people and events, photos certainly have helped us put a face to the story.  Do you think that photography played a role in shaping our world today?  Did it change/affect history?  How might it affect our lifestyles in the future?  Use specific examples to support your opinions.

Post a paragraph with your thoughts and respond to two of your class mate's postings, at least 1 paragraph each.  
Due on the day of Roll 4's due date.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Roll 3 Wall Paper Winner

The winner for this roll's blog photo comes from Ian Palima.  This gorgeous photo really does capture the season, great shallow depth of field.

Congrats, IAN!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Extra Credit Photo Wall Paper


OK,here is where you post a link or a photo or email it to me to be used as the wall paper for this blog.  Extra credit (+10 pts) to the winner each roll for the one that gets posted as the background for our blog!!!


Is Photography a Fine Art Form?

Photography was once a controversial new technology and when photographers started to claim it was an actual art form, much controversy ensued.  Research "pictorial photography", "Paul Strand", "Alfred Stieglitz", and "straight photography".  What are your thoughts on Photography as an art form based on your research?  Reflect on photography's journey into becoming a legitimate art form.

Post a paragraph with your thoughts and respond to two of your class mate's postings, at least 1 paragraph each.  

Due on the day of Roll 3's due date.